Our youngest, Katie, leaves for college in 8 days. The questions roll in daily now: How can you let go of your youngest? She's going so far! (She's studying in Ireland her first semester.) Won't you be sad?
Welp, I've made a decision, people. I've decided NOT to be sad. OK, I'll probably cry as we drive away, realizing (as I did with all 3 sons) that our family is changing forever. Then, I'll wipe my eyes and focus on the absolutely amazing experience that lies before her.
Taylor University is one of the best things to happen to our family. Heck, I didn't even know Christian liberal arts colleges EXISTED until David started college-shopping. And we discovered Taylor, tucked away in a tiny town between the cornfields of Indiana. It's not a "religious school." Ooooo, I detest that label. It's an intentional community of Christ-followers and strugglers who desire to discover what God has in mind for their lives. And also to find ways to be his servants.
Katie chose to pursue Taylor's Freshman Irish Studies Program and we said go for it. She's a little nervous, but who wouldn't be? This is big! We're mighty proud of her. She will see that the world is vast and begin to discover who she is and who she wants to be. Yay, Katie!
Am I sad? A little. But I believe sad is selfish. Sad would be about me and this isn't about me.
Go see the world, Katie. Taste and touch and learn and serve and savor all you can. I love you!
THe best thing for a Taylor mom to do is let go!! Knowing we had our family as backbone allowed us to be immersed in the community of Taylor so much more because we knew how to love. I cant wait to see Katie mold and grow and I also cant wait for you and Bill to grow!!! love love love ---JDH
J...can't tell you how much your comments mean to me. You are a gift! luv ya!
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