Some get on with growing up at a tender age. Dan and Jenny, my son and daughter-in-love, are doing a good job of it and they're only 23. Married for just over a year, it's amazing how much they've accomplished. Oh, they're challenged - sure. Being a grown-up involves a lot more than they imagined. Getting married, leaving college life to settle in a new city, working full-time, setting up a household and dividing the work all take energy and grit.
But here's what I noticed over the weekend:
1. they talk over decisions.
2. they joke and laugh together.
3.they're adopting the Dave Ramsey philosophy to "live like no one else" in order to achieve financial peace.
4. they delay what they want until they can afford it. (see #3)
5. they are part of a body of believers and are investing in the spiritual lives of others.
6. they strive to exercise and eat very health-fully. Whoa, Jenny can cook!
7. though Jenny is very strong and capable, she intentionally lets Dan lead. This is a sign of her strength and wisdom.
8. they try to appreciate each other for who they are, not who they wish for. That is, they exercise grace.
9. they seek God's will for their lives.
Not every day is a bowl of cherries. Life will deliver challenges. But all in all, these two have a great start. Thanks for the weekend, D & J!
p.s. Sorry, readers. I haven't figured out how to: 1. place photos anywhere other than the top of a post or 2. put captions under the photos.
Awe, cute!
try putting the pictures in first then typing around them. It should work!
love you,
...but when I put the pics in, they don't show up as pics...they show up as a bunch of scrambled letters and characters. what the??? Are you putting additional pics on Facebook?? )-:
Barb, You're too kind with these encouraging words! We do love each other, thank God for that...and we talk...thats important. I appreciate your visit and you mean a lot to us. Thanks again.
PS- My thighs are not getting bigger, the photo of us on the couch distorts them a tadbit.
That is very nice of you to say, Mom. We were both raised so well that we had no choice but to live the way we do! =) We really had a good time with you and Dad and were glad you came.
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