The man in my life is celebrating his birthday today!
Here's what's cool, admirable and amazing about my husband Bill:
1. He's kept his promise to love and honor me for 30 years now.
2. He's fiercely devoted to his family and has never complained about this commitment, which isn't always a fun or exciting road. Come on, four kids? That's some serious pressure.
3. He's unwavering in his support of me. We decided, together, 25-some years ago, that one of us would stay home raising the children. It turned out to be me. He's always valued my job as an at-home mom. He's never asked, "what did you do all day?" Nor does he complain about a messy house. He values well-raised children over a beautiful home.
4. He keeps a positive outlook on life.
5. He's probably the most attentive son I've ever seen. I hope HIS sons notice this.
6. He knows that often, kids need more than anything to be loved and accepted.
7. He hugs like a teddy bear.
8. He listens to my hopes and dreams and encourages me to go for them.
9. He's more a giver than a taker.
10. He'll eat with gusto nearly anything I cook. I can't remember many - if any - meals that he hasn't liked.
11. If he needs a new career, he could be a cartographer or a meterologist because he has an inordinate interest in both. He's the most incredible map-whiz you'll find. He can get you from here to there and back again, utilizing his map and internet-search skills. Just ask our kids.
12. He picks up his socks better than I do mine.
13. I'm ending on #13 because that's Bill's favorite number. Today I'll bake his favorite, my homemade carrot cake. The man's been requesting this cake since 1980 so I guess he's not tired of it.
I could get into other superlatives, like Bill seeing his first color television in an appliance store window in Defiance, Ohio in the 1950's. But I said I'd stop at 13.
I can already imagine his excitement over the carrot cake!!
YEAH! I cant wait to eat some of that carrot cake!
Well said, Mom...I agree, Dad is a fantastic Dad! Happy Birthday, Pops!
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