Wednesday, February 20, 2013

happy birthday, Katie!

Happy birthday, Katie!
Twenty-three years ago this afternoon, we were surprised and delighted to
have you placed in our arms: a little girl!
I saw tears in Dad's eyes ... you blessed him so.

It might not have been the easiest for you, growing up in a houseful of boys ...
but you must admit it was never dull!
Your brothers loved you - and still do, fiercely, and I am certain
that their rough influence made you stronger for life.

We had our moments, you and me.
Maybe I couldn't quite figure out a girl.
I know I was too often impatient.
And you were the quietly determined little girl
with an iron will.
We clashed at times, but I hope you know now that I love you deeply.

You completed college, and honestly, as I look at photos
of you with college friends, especially the FISPers,
I've never seen you happier.
Your face radiates pure joy and love of Godly friends, and peace.
It is what I pray for you as your life stretches before you.

Katie, you are a lover of the downtrodden and marginalized.
Is there a mean bone in your body?
I can visualize you as a missionary someday, showing Christ's love to
those with little hope.

I can see you as a devoted wife and mother,
a deep, true friend to many (well, you are that)
and of course,
an artist.

I'm not sure you grasp how your artist's
eye, heart and soul move others.
OK, I'm your mother, what else would I say?
Not everyone has your gift.
But many can appreciate and be moved by it.

Katie, as you set out in the world, above all, remember Ephesians 2:8-10 ...

We neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving.
He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does,
the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
(The Message)

His purpose!
I pray you seek that purpose and are excited about
sharing and serving and loving your way through this next year.

I love you, Katie.
Thanks for you, and for putting up with me.
And helping me become an artist, too.
Happy 23rd birthday!


Kahtleen said...

What an elegant birthday message to Katie. While you are lucky to have her, she is equally lucky to have such a loving, wise, and eloquent mom!

Megan Marks said...

This is the sweetest birthday message I've ever seen! Happy Birthday to Katie, she's lucky to have such a wonderful mom!

-d said...

Happy birthday, dear Katie. Blessings to you and your momma!