Friday, January 20, 2012

where have all the birthdays gone?

I used to be a madwoman this time of year. Bill and I gave no thought to the timing of our children and piled up three kids right after our January birthdays. So, right on the heels of Christmas and New Year's, we celebrated a birthday about every ten days for seven weeks. Utterly insane.

Since my birthday is first in the line-up, we'd finish that, then Bill and Dan in January, and Mark and Katie in February. No, we never did a "group birthday." What kid wants that? Each received the celebration due him or her, though I finally put my foot down about friend parties: only on alternate years.

I could never plan/shop/prepare for the parties all at once. My mind doesn't work that way. So, just as the last crumbs of one cake were finished, it was time to bake another. And another. And another.

I do remember a fun sledding party for Dan one year at the end of January. His friends all brought their sleds and we headed to the state park, toting hot chocolate and hot dogs to roast over a fire. Super-fun.

Dan (far right) celebrating his 9th birthday in 1994
For all my whining during those years, now I kinda miss all the birthday chaos. All I do is buy a card, write a check, bake some cookies, and drop them in the mail. Sigh. The grass is always greener, isn't it?

Of course, Ari was born on New Year's Day and the upcoming baby is due on Mark's birthday. We Hallers just love winter birthdays!


Dan said...

No need to clarify who Dan is in the pic. The purple hat gave it away :)

Jenny Haller said...

That was JENNY in the last comment! Ha.

Barb said...

Oh yeah - you loved purple!

klrodman said...

I planned my celebrations...Christmas in Dec, Anniv in April, b'day in August! I like to spread out my fun! :) The kids are Jan, Mar, Apr, Sept. We are all over the board!

Unknown said...

We are blessed to have our family around us. We still have lots of birthday celebrations and fancy birthday cakes. I am grateful.

-d said...

Is it the winter birthdays you Hallers love or the spring snuggling?

Barb said...

Ha ha, Dove! Well said!