Wednesday, June 9, 2010

three weeks

Just back from a whirlwind trip to our cottage way up yonder in the "wilds" of northern Michigan.  An open-up-the-cabin, clear-the-cobwebs, wash-the-windows, breathless sort of trip. I took a good book and slipped into a chair by the lake for a little reading, too.

In three weeks we'll mount a massive migration back to Michigan when ALL our children and new grandchild join us for a few days in our special family place.

We will
cook and eat yummy food
(cold food on hot days and vice versa)
lie in the hammock
gaze at the stars
explore lighthouses
bathe little Ari in the old porcelain kitchen sink
play games
roast marshmallows
or do nothing at all.
There will be lovely memories made.
I absolutely cannot wait.


Karen Dawkins said...

Sounds perfect!!! Have fun Haller family!

-d said...

You are bursting with anticipition; I can tell. :-)