Saturday, June 12, 2010

safe harbor ... or open sea?

Everyone has dreams to fly as long as you have the heart to do it.
Amelia Earhart

Unless you're drifting out in the ocean, you must have heard the tale of Abby Sunderland, the gutsy 16-yr-old who attempted to sail solo around the world. And the youngest one at that. Her effort ended on Thursday by a massive storm in the Indian Ocean. The 50-foot waves got the better of Abby's boat, 'Wild Eyes,' snapping off its mast. A French fishing vessel plucked Abby from her disabled boat and she is now zig-zagging the globe back to California.

The Sunderlands are under enormous cyber-criticism for the lack of responsibility shown in allowing Abby to attempt the circumnavigation. Some say her parents ignored their legal responsibility to protect their child from danger and are narcissistic (fame, fortune and all that). Among other criticisms.

I imagine myself in the parents' shoes. It would be horrifically scary, as a parent, to permit my teenager to attempt such a dangerous feat. But then, I don't know Abby or her parents. She's spent her life on sailboats and comes from a sailing family. Her heart and soul were probably bursting to do this. Check out her blog.... Hardly a silly teen! (photo above by Abby Sunderland.)

I believe God gave us this big, beautiful world to embrace and explore its wonders. If we only stay in safe harbors, what have we gained? And if we never give our kids wings to fly, what have they gained? God made some to leap in a big way: bigger than any of us would ever attempt. They're the ones who inspire us to look and reach higher. According to Abby, "As for age, since when does age create gigantic waves and storms? Storms are part of the deal when you set out to sail around the world." Indeed.

But then, Abby isn't my daughter. If she was, would I kiss her as she set sail on her dream? Would I give my blessing as she sailed away, all alone, perhaps for the very last time?

I just don't know. Would you?


Jenny Haller said...

I def dont think I could let Ari do that. But, I'd want my parents to let me... so, I'm not sure! That girl is way beyond her years.

Karen Dawkins said...

Thankfully, God doesn't call us all to walk this road as parents!!! He gives us the kids He wants us to raise.

Barb, you let your baby girl spend her first college semester in Ireland. That's not easy either!