Thursday, May 6, 2010

the wonder of technology

I drive past their house nearly every day. I admire the retaining wall and attractive landscaping they installed last year. But we haven't met. Until now.

The W. family suffered a terrible blow on Tuesday. Mr. W. and his 6-year-old son were in a horrendous accident that nearly took their lives. A dump truck hit their car in an intersection, and a third vehicle was also involved.

Father and son are now recuperating in separate hospitals in Columbus. Mrs. W. is shuttling between them, trying to console both. Their daughter is home. I cannot imagine the chaos and fear of enduring such a situation.

Then friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers step in through the wonder of technology: facebook. "The W. Connection" weaves a caring fabric of people who want to help. People who drive past the W. house, too.

"Praying for you all."
"Stay strong."
"What can I do?"
"God will not let our hardships destroy us."
From a cousin: "Here are ways you can help."
And from Mrs. W. herself:
"It's been an uneventful night. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! This page is really helping me get through my day and night."

Technology is a wonder, but only a vehicle. It joins the prayers and hearts of caring people to a family in need.

God bless and heal you, W. family.

1 comment:

Dave Haller said...

Is this the family on the corner of Rutherford & Exec.?