Tuesday, April 6, 2010

yard puttering, 2010

This crazy Ohio weather. Within a week of a two-inch snowfall, the thermometer hit the 70's. Now I've worn shorts and flip flops all weekend. Winter jumped to summer with only a snippet of spring.

I suppose all this weather talk gets tiresome to some. Truth be told, I've posted 18 times on the weather, ranking ahead of my husband! Sorry about that, honey. But after slogging and shoveling through our 80-some inches of snow this winter, warm weather is a noteworthy event. And it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that we could see more snow this month, horrific as that sounds.

Last year I posted on yard puttering. Season after season, I love yard puttering.

Perhaps with the birth of my granddaughter this year, I'm extra-attuned to new life. So delicious! I LOOK for things to do outside for the sheer joy of welcoming spring. I notice the temperature, the earthy smells, bird choruses and the tender, delightful green shoots peeking through last year's leaves.

Inside pursuits suddenly seem dreadfully uninteresting. My neighbors, I am sure, notice me loitering about the yard, not doing very much at all.

Camera in hand, I squat amidst the leaves and shrubbery and snap evidence of new life. I feel a little silly, but also energized.

We were just in the south, where buds and blooms seem to charge out of the ground in early spring. Here, we patiently wait while new growth must be coaxed, oh so slowly from the ground.

A worthy wait!

1 comment:

karen Dawkins said...

As Ellie says, "Hey, Mom. All the trees are waking up!"