A sweet side to having raised a houseful of rambunctious boys is when they marry. The smelly rooms and horse-like appetites fade as distant memories once a cheery, feminine girlfriend enters the picture. . . especially a girl you grow to love.
Four years ago my son Mark brought home a cute redhead and, thankfully, she's been part of our lives ever since. In fact, Jill will become my daughter-in-LOVE in just a few weeks.
Jill brings laughter (really, a wonderful laugh), an upbeat attitude, thoughtfulness and love to our family. When she's not around, I truly miss her loving and laughing spirit. I am enormously blessed to have her for a new daughter. Jill also loves God. I watched her grow in this regard and it was about the neatest thing ever.
Today is Jill's 22nd birthday and I wish her the happiest birthday yet! (And, as you can tell by the photo, our Ellie absolutely loves Jill, too!)
Yeah! Happy Birthday Jill! (And thanks for having a summer birthday, there are too many other ones in the 'other' seasons!)
haha, true. And YOU are not helping the situation, having a January baby! tee hee.
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