Sunday, October 13, 2013

the ups and downs

When I stop to think about it, this year has been one of incredible ups and downs.

In March we learned that Bill needed spinal fusion surgery, which he had in April. It changed our lives for weeks. In May our first grandson, Noah, was born in Charlotte. Our second grandson, Ethan, arrived Sunday, September 8 and my dad died Friday, September 13. Our beloved cabin in Michigan is up for sale, too.

Birth, death, serious surgery: it's all a part of life. The older I get, the more I am able to keep perspective. Parents will die. Our children will move away as they make their own lives. Circumstances change and plans do, too.

This year our church is working through a book called The Story. It is the entire Bible, mostly scripture, but presented in chronological order so it reads more like a novel. What we're learning is God's "upper story" of His great love for us and how He wants to redeem us will win out over the "lower story" of our lives here on earth. This study has reminded me to keep a proper perspective as I go through life's challenges.   

We have been in Virginia since Wednesday night, finally getting to meet little Ethan! I hope he understands that his Baba and Popsy love him so much, but life's ups and downs have kept us from getting there sooner.

Be back soon, with some photos of a very soggy weekend near D.C.!

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