Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm in love

The most recent wedding is over. We've been to the cabin up north. Again. Today I made an impossibly crazy list of things to catch up on. I was thinking maybe I could catch my breath and get my feet on the ground.

Then, as I was taking one last bite of a delicious grilled burger with avocado, I heard my phone beep-beep a text. "Ultra-sound up!"

I flew to the computer and pulled up their blog. Son Dan and daughter-in-love Jenny have posted the first ultra-sound images of their baby. I mean, OUR FIRST GRANDCHILD. S/he has the signature Haller pumpkin-head. Cute little in-utero contortions. And feet. Oh my goodness, look at those tiny, floating feet in the last photo.

Something tells me that life just isn't going to slow down. But who wants it to? I hear grandparenting is a mighty fun gig.

I can already taste those toes!

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