Beth's daughter KC, David and Beth before game one.

Wow - game one.

Beth and I had loads of fun, however we were a little disorganized. Ex: Once parked, it took us a half hour to get ready to walk into the ballpark. Here's Beth, looking for something: hairbrush, jacket, a snack, or bottle of water? We were really messed up. I mean our things were messed up...

David in his office at the Trop...ready to leave at the end of a very long day.

I call this the "Elvis Diner," since they claim Elvis ate here in the 50's. It was fun to eat here Friday morning.

My good friend Patti joined us on Thursday/Friday and we checked out Fort DeSoto...a beautiful park at the southern end of St. Petersburg. Here we are -- Patti's hiding!

Campaign signs were plentiful, and this was my favorite...a candidate with ALMOST the same name as my hubby.

Now guess where this is .. go ahead, guess. THE TAMPA AIRPORT! Bless the young woman at the Delta desk who said: "If you go upstairs to the Marriott, there's a pool right off their lobby. They don't mind if airline passengers use it." Since I had EIGHT HOURS to kill before my flight, this worked out just dandy. I bothered a gentleman across the pool to take my photo. It was odd to see people sunbathing alongside their luggage.
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