Friday, September 11, 2009


Today I am remembering the events of eight years ago this day. Isn't it strange that today's elementary kids are too young to remember? I was homeschooling my daughter Katie, then age 11, when news of the attacks broke.

Later, I watched, dumbfounded, as the twin towers fell to a terrible, flaming heap in Manhattan.

As my own three sons reached young manhood, it struck me that countless other mothers have lost their own sons for my freedoms. I think that's when my heart became most thankful for these sacrifices.

I'm reflecting and giving thanks today for the men and women who sacrificed their lives on 9.11.01. I'm thankful for the strength and valor of the U.S. military, the families who support them, and all the other helping professions such as firefighters and police who have chosen to protect us all.

1 comment:

Karen Dawkins said...

I think we're all remembering today. And thankful for the military who serve our country... And thankful for a God who is bigger than our problems!