Thursday, July 23, 2009

googling through life

How I love to google. It's a great tool for those who like to learn and figure things out. Today's challenge was not one but TWO dripping faucets. Definitely time to google.

So I googled away. I know, it's a pretty simple operation, dripping faucets. But still, I wasn't quite sure.

So I googled. And read. And turned off water. (Not entirely necessary, I don't think.) And disassembled said faucets. And poked and pulled out the washers. And trotted off to the hardware store where a salesboy helped me identify just the right rubber gasket. Which I guess is the googly-term for washer.

Within 40 minutes, voila. Faucets dripless.

Oh, I do love googling.


Dan said...

I may or may not have googled how to best prepare certain items that Jenny asked me to cook for dinner when it was my turn... =)

anne said...

I say "google it" at work several times a day! If you don't know, googleit!

Barb said...

Yay! Anne, wouldn't mom have LOVED googling?? She loved to find things out...