In January 1976, my junior year of college, I applied for a summer job at Our Cabaña. When the letter of acceptance arrived (no e-mail then of course), I excitedly began planning for three months in Mexico as waterfront director at Our Cabaña.. I was 21 and before me lay a summer of incredible learning and growing.
In 1976, the Cabaña was nearing her 20th anniversary. As I stepped through the Chief's door with my girls thirty years later, I marveled at the Cabaña's timeless beauty and architecture, a testament to the foresight of those who designed her. The dormitories, (above), dining hall, Mixcoacalli (gathering spot for programs) and gardens were still lovingly well-kept.
see Lisa waving? |
The craft house, a popular spot where girls and adults can work on Mexican crafts such as amate (bark) painting.
It was this very spot where my emotions overcame me in 2006. Memories of the summer here washed over me: flying alone to Mexico and navigating Mexico City, learning to lead groups on excursions, quickly picking up some Spanish, battling homesickness, and doing all my laundry by hand in a tub with washboard. This, mixed with the realization of how the years had marched on and changed me: marriage, raising 4 children, and losing my mother (my biggest cheerleader to take the job) just three years after that summer. And travel fatigue ... oh I was a mess and my deep emotions took me by complete surprise. I think my daughter Katie was baffled by my tears!
dining hall and pool .... love this spot, unchanged in 30 years |
Our first day was spent settling in, learning names and the ins and outs of Cabaña living, games, and meals. There's always plenty to do at Our Cabaña and just enough free time. Similar to Girl Scout camp back home, girls pitch in for "kapers," the jobs of community living: table setting, meal serving, flag ceremony, and keeping their living areas neat.
girls in a getting acquainted activity |
fun with my patrol |
flag ceremony: held each morning and evening
I've discovered many forgotten details of the trip in the journal I kept.
Tomorrow: sightseeing!
So many sweet memories. Thanks for helping me re-live them after all these years.
Sweet Memories from our trip. Thanks for posting so that we could re-live them all again. What a great time we had with the girls.
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