Our daughter-in-love Jenny turns 25 today. She's a little amazed by this milestone ... and I chuckle.
As I decided what to write on Jenny's birthday, I looked back at last year's post. It still holds, and then some. So here is the amended version...
Jenny is special to me and has been from the day we met. Things I like about her:
- She loves to laugh and has a sharp sense of humor. She just "gets" funny things that I get, so that's fun.
- Jenny has taught me a thing or two. Like how to peel an avocado. Stupid, you don't peel it! You cut it in half, then scoop it out. No, she never said that, she just kindly showed me and I was amazed!
- She really wasn't too overwhelmed by our family with three brothers, even when they are loud and annoying. That's a cool girl.
- Though she's always been the "little sister" in her family, Jenny has shown she knows how to be a loving and attentive big sister to our Katie. Very neat.
- She says things and we talk about things that boys just don't. She never seems in a hurry to finish a conversation.
- She has good fashion sense and I don't, usually, and is honest and tactful enough to gently help me in this area.
- Jenny loves books, coffee and God and what could be better than that?
- She is a giver of special gifts, time, friendship and love.
- Jenny loves my son Dan, and that makes me very happy.
- She is the mother of my first grandchild, so that puts Jenny somewhere around queen status, right? She is already a good mother by taking care of herself and her unborn baby.
- My other wonderful daughter-in-love, Jill, threw a baby shower for Jenny over the weekend and we ended the day with a mini-birthday celebration. Here's Jenny with her carrot cake:

I'm thankful for you and I love you, Jenny, and I wish you a most excellent birthday!