Wednesday, February 24, 2010

confessions of a road rat

I've been tearing up the roads the past six weeks. On the one hand, I love to see family and friends, discovering new places, even new countries.

Oddly, something is wired in me that makes travel a love-hate mixed bag. No matter my excitment level over a trip, a little sense a little dread creeps in. Like a voice telling me, "you don't really want to go, do you?!"

Maybe the dread can be traced to childhood as I sprawled in the back of our station wagon during cross-country trips. Oh, siblings love that. They'd whine, "Barbara's been in the back for hours!" I didn't care about being fair: my tummy always leaned to the queasy side. Or the first time I ever flew, on a prop plane at age seven and got violently sick to my stomach.

Travel as an adult moved into a new realm. Four kids on a road trip resembled a military invasion: games, books, snacks, bottles, diapers, favorite blankets and stuffed animals, pillows, and all the luggage. And don't forget the mayonnaise jar: a must for little boys small of bladder! It could hardly be called a vacation.

Well. Things have now vastly improved. No stuffed animals or mayonnaise jars! Road trips these days have morphed into opportunities to reconnect with my travel companions. A complicated travel plan came into play in December and our son David ended up riding to Ohio with us from North Carolina for Christmas. I'm not sure a 26-year-old would choose road-tripping with the 'rents, but I found it a sweet gift of time together.

Just last month, I road-tripped with my daughter Katie, almost 20, to North Carolina. A real power-trip, completed in under 72 hours. What we won't do for the newest member of the family, all 10 pounds of her!

Family road trip, summer 1965?
photographer: me


Karen Dawkins said...

Three little kids, all lined up across the back end of the small stationwagon... sleeping. Oblivious to the cares of the world (or the parents). Fun times!

Thanks for bringing back some early memories :-)

Jenny Haller said...

Road tripping is about: snacks, music, chaos and bathroom breaks. It would be boring without all of it!

Barb said...

haha, perhaps you have a point there, Jenny. But I guess I've had all the 'fun' I need ....

Anne said...

Oh my gosh, look at that picture! Priceless! :) Once again, thanks for the memories, sis!

Anonymous said...

Pat was fat, we all know that!

Lori said...

LOVE the mayonnaise jar bit! It wasn't quite so simple with a carload of girls. :-)