Young clerk: "Do you want me to come help you at the pump, honey?"
Me, slightly startled at her endearing term: "Uh, I don't think so, thanks, my rewards card just isn't working."
When she couldn't get my card to work, either, she said, "Well, you let me know if you need help, dear," as if the problem was my senility.
I've noticed: people are treating me differently. Subtle at times, but definitely a noticeable change. I don't ever remember people being so - nice - to me in the past. Holding doors, "oh, you first." Kinder, gentler. It's funny, I still think and feel young, like in my 20's or 30's. But obviously I don't look so young. Hair, body shape, wrinkles, whatever.
Maybe some would be bothered by this deferential treatment. But I'm not bothered, just humored. I wonder if women my age who, um, haven't yet "gone gray" have a different experience?
There you have it. Aging has its perks so I'm not about to cover it up! Wouldn't it be great if we could all treat each other in a kinder and gentler fashion?
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.
Proverbs 16:31
Sounds like you teleported to my neck of the woods! People say "honey," "Shug (as in sugar)," "dear," and all those other sweet words all the time. I even do it once in a while!
Doors. If they don't get held, I'm in shock. :)
The south, a kinder and gentler place to be. Maybe you should move! ;-)
Remember, I am a native southerner. So perhaps I am a missionary for kindness up here. Even so, Delaware's a pretty friendly place. (-;
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