Saturday, January 7, 2012

is it spring yet?

Good grief we are having crazy weather. I haven't commented much on the weather lately. (You're welcome.) Maybe because I'm too busy. And maybe because it hasn't turned horrible. Yet.

Yesterday and today the sun shone!  Love, LOVE the sun to shine, which doesn't happen enough here in the midwest. Not only that, temps were in the low 50's. Positively balmy. Car-washing weather. Dog-walking weather. Just step out in the driveway and point your face to the sun weather!

But. It's only January 7. That's just two weeks into winter with lots more to go. And the Farmer's Almanac (online Farmer's Almanac, wowee!) predicts some hefty precipitation and average temps in these parts. I figure that right about the time Jill delivers our newest granddaughter, the snow will begin. And our son Mark, the baby's daddy, will head out to plow since that's part of his winter work. Oh gracious, we shall see.

Meantime, my boots are in the closet this early January day. De-lightful.


Karen Dawkins said...

You know my reply before you ever read it...

Move south!


Barb said...

We're having NC weather at the moment ... no need!

-d said...
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-d said...

My uncle had to drive his laboring wife to the hospital 10 miles away on a snowmobile.

Maybe your son will have to drive his wife to the hospital in a snow plow; that would be a story!