Thursday, January 19, 2012


As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Proverbs 27:13

My good friend and sister blogger, Karen Dawkins, commented that she's praying for Katie's amazing heart. (As she serves in Paraguay.) I appreciate Karen's kind comment and it started me thinking.

As my children came along, I prayed a prayer for them that went something like this:

"God, good grades and trophies and athletic ability are all good, but it's not the main desire for my children. Give them the courage to always speak the truth and to be humble. I ask you to grow faithful and servant's hearts in them. Make them people after your heart, Lord. Let them hurt for the lowly and give to the needy. Give them the passion to be a friend to those with none. Give them words to encourage and build up others."

God has a lot to say about the heart. He zeroes in on it over and over throughout scripture, due to the fact that without a change of heart, we cannot have a relationship with Him. I tend to love the world and all it offers, but John tells me that all this will pass away. Instead, I'm called to love and obey only God. (1 John 2:15-17) A change of heart is in order!

A quiet, introspective young woman like Katie would not choose to spend three weeks in extreme heat with no hot showers or other conveniences, and work with people whose language she doesn't speak unless her heart was set on a higher purpose. How thankful I am that I prayed for my children's hearts. And that God is honoring my prayers.

... set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Psalm 139:23


Kathleen said...

Thank you, Barb. We parents need this reminder.

I know that after Jack was born, I really began to question what I was teaching my children. Sometimes I think we parents lose sight of what qualities we should foster in our kids. I realized that our culture too often stresses athletics, academics, and looks. I hear parents brag all the time about how their kid played in club soccer or what kind of grades they get. I want to ask: "Yes, but has your child been kind, unselfish, and humble today?" Give me a cheerful, good-hearted kid over a straight-A star athlete any day.

Unknown said...

How lucky your children were to have such a wise Mother. They are rich in a currency only God can pay....a loving Christian Mother.

Karen Dawkins said...

Hi my friend,
What better prayer can a mama make than to ask God to be their heart? Thoughtful post.

No wonder I keep wanting to be like you when... :)