Sunday, August 30, 2009


It's that time of year off to college. This is our ninth year: it's become an annual pilgrimage. Today we took our youngest, Katie, to college in Indiana.

In Indiana is grown lots

and lots

and lots

of corn.

We encountered detour signs, giving a little twist to our familiar route. No matter. We laughed and enjoyed the ride.

Finally we pulled in to the amazing little town of Upland. And unloading commenced.

Squeals and hugs erupted. I'm pretty sure this only goes on in the girls' dorms. Katie was ECSTATIC to be back.

And I thought. The day was much like raising kids. Just when you think you're on the right road, a detour appears. Adjust the course. Roll down the windows, sing and laugh ... but too soon the journey's over and it's time to let go.

We can try to hold on to our chicks for all we're worth, but soon we're unloading them into a box of a room where they're happy as clams.

And then

the day quiets


the sun fades on our years of parenting.


Jenny Haller said...

Tears for you, Tears for Taylor, smiles for Katie!

Anonymous said...

Dag nabbit! You made me tear up!

Dan said...

Great words, great pictures!

Anonymous said...

i agree with the Tampa kid