Monday, November 4, 2013

eviction = date night

Tonight our sweet, non-confrontational 23-year-old daughter politely asked if we might leave the house for a few hours. How could we say no? She planned to host her Bible study group ... most of whom are young married couples (I think that's kinda funny) and they had a special project in mind. More on that later.

We are hopeless homebodies. We fix dinner, we might watch some TV and dabble on our computers. That is the usual extent of our evenings. So when we realized THIS IS THE DAY and we had to figure out something to do, PAST DARK, it took until 1 o'clock to nail it down. We checked movie listings and made a plan.

Off we went at 3:30 for a 4:30 showing of a new movie that must be seen to be believed; I cannot adequately describe 12 Years a Slave. True stories always get me and this one happened in the mid-19th century, to a man named Solomon. Go see it and be prepared to cry and horrified that this happened in our country.

After the movie we hit Sam's Club for their well-priced cheese and pecans and honey. Then on to Trader Joe's for olive oil and more. I'm so sorry if you don't have a Trader Joe's anywhere near you! We're kind of like the farmers who come to town once a month for supplies in that our town of Delaware isn't so handy to the aforementioned.

Finally we had a late (so late I felt European) bite to eat at Chick-fil-A. Oh their sandwiches are yummy.

All this landed us home past 9 p.m., so very late for us country bumpkins. But it was a nice date, all because our daughter evicted us. Thanks, Katie! (Her group made a bunch of food for someone who's gluten-free. Wasn't that thoughtful?)

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