As of 6/28/95 you have all these books checked out on your card. All books from the day you were here have been checked in.
25 is your book limit. 42 of the 49 items you have are books.
Please return at least 17 of the books. THANK YOU.
Return them to the circ desk as soon as possible so that they may be checked in immediately and your record cleared.
I swear on my library card, this is the red-penned, word-for-word hand-written note on a computer print-out from 16 years ago. I found it so funny at the time that I tucked it away for the day I'd find it and laugh again.
That day has arrived.
That day has arrived.
The amazing feature of our library is that fines are optional!
Yep, if you bring in a book (or 42) past the due date, you can choose
whether or not to donate a fine. Just drop your coins or bills
in the big jar at the front desk.
Yep, if you bring in a book (or 42) past the due date, you can choose
whether or not to donate a fine. Just drop your coins or bills
in the big jar at the front desk.
I wonder how many other library patrons take advntage of the policy and, like me, become extremely irresponsible with their books. Had the fines been mounting, you bet I would've ordered the kids to search
under beds for all 42 books.
under beds for all 42 books.
And no dinner til you find them!
But you DID find them, right?
I WISH my library did that...they charge $.20 per book per day. There used to be a cap where they wouldn't charge you more than $2.50 or so per book, but they did away with that, much to my chagrin, and now the fines never stop accruing...I once had a bill of over $50.00!!!!
Wow! I'm not moving!!
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