Friday, February 19, 2010

happy birthday, brother

Today's my big brother Pat's birthday. I've searched high and low for a photo of us from way in the past, but of course can't find it. It shows us on Martha's Vineyard during college days: my first and only time to hitchhike, thanks to Pat's daring influence.

Pat lives in South Carolina and we don't see each other enough. In fact, he and his wife Janet moved to their new home going on three years ago and we still haven't visited them there.

Anyway, seeing as how I've been under the weather since last night, this short post will have to do.

Happy birthday, Pat! And when I come across that photo, I'll be sure to post it.

1 comment:

Karen Dawkins said...

Sooooo.... I'm thinking a visit to the lovely Raleigh area to visit me (I moved... ahem... nine years ago) and then on to your brother's might be a lovely birthday gift to him and me :)

Feel better!