Solitary drives are a curious thing. On the one hand, I might dread hours alone on the road. Will I fall asleep? What if I have a flat tire: could I change it myself? And ... the silliest of all, what if I'm accosted in a rest area? I let go of such fears by the time I had four children in tow. Really now, who in their right mind would attack a woman with four loud, bickering children?
Last Sunday I drove solo for nearly seven hours, home from Nashville, Tennessee after visiting my dad. I'd planned to come home Monday, but another impending snowstorm brought me home a day early.
So I had lots of time to think, to reflect on conversations with my dad. A song played on a CD and I repeated it over and over again. It became a worshipful time and, I believe, God speaking to my heart and spirit.
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence, O Lord.
Take not your Holy Spirit from me.
restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and renew a right spirit within me.
As I sang
(I sing long and loud while driving alone)
and drove
and glanced in the rearview mirror,
the day saying its farewell,
I was reminded to let go of yesterdays
living today with trust grace
and look ahead, only ahead.