Monday, July 28, 2008

Operation Delaware

I'll admit it. I can be lazy. Especially in the summer, I love sitting on the porch, reading and sipping a tall iced tea.

Thankfully, my church, Delaware Christian, has decided not to be lazy this week. About 120 of us are banding together to make a difference here in Delaware. It's called Operation Delaware. We start the day at church with a light breakfast and devotions. Then teams of men, women and teens go about town, pulling weeds, washing windows, painting porches, hauling trash and doing light construction .... the kind of stuff I'd rather not do on a hot day. Then back to church for a quick lunch. And back out to new locations to serve others. There's an evening session, too, for those who need to work evenings.

This isn't the Peace Corps. We're not digging wells or teaching children. But we're seeing that people right in our town need some care and attention. It's giving people a hand. Some elderly people just needed a box taken to Goodwill, so we're helping them out. How simple is that?

We pray that we're much more than helping hands. We want to be helping hearts, too. The kind that care about the spiritual state of our neighbors.

It's not dozin' or sipping tea. But somehow it feels a whole lot better.

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