Wednesday, October 21, 2015

happy birthday, Jenny!


Wishing my daughter-in-love Jenny a super happy birthday today!
In this incredibly full season of life,
may God strengthen your hands,
calm your spirit,
give you grace in the hard moments and joy in the quiet ones,
and fill your heart with his love and assurance that life always moves on
and little ones become independent!
I'm very proud of you and thankful you married my son.

Have a beautiful day, Jenny.

Friday, October 2, 2015

birthday to birthday: happy birthday David!

One year ago our son David spent a week at home with us. We took walks, cooked and ate out, talked and laughed a lot. It's so great to spend an entire week with one of our kids. (Did I ever imagine saying that 20 years ago?!) Anyway, he'd been seeing this girl Chelsea for a few months and though he was texting and talking on the phone with her, it was like pulling teeth to get much info.

About a week later, they made their relationship official. Within five months they were engaged and five months later they were married! So from birthday to birthday, David's had an incredible year. (And oh, we absolutely love Chelsea so that makes it all the sweeter.)

I just told Bill I can't believe I had our first baby 32 years ago. Really, where do the years go? David was an accommodating baby, considering we had little idea how to care for him. He was so calm and agreeable and that's stayed the same much of his life.  
Happy birthday, David! So very proud of you and the man and husband you've become.

Maine ~ 1984